SELECT tc.country_code, (SELECT COUNT(tb.tbl_id) FROM tbl_booking tb WHERE = tc.country_code) AS total_booking, COUNT(DISTINCT tbd.booking_id) AS confirmed_booking FROM tbl_country tc LEFT JOIN tbl_booking tb ON tc.country_code = LEFT JOIN tbl_booking_details tbd ON tb.tbl_id = tbd.booking_id AND tbd.pay_status = 1 AND tbd.booking_cancle_status = 0 GROUP BY tc.country_code;

SELECT tc.country_code, (SELECT COUNT(tb.tbl_id) FROM tbl_booking tb WHERE = tc.country_code) AS total_booking,

 COUNT(DISTINCT tbd.booking_id) AS confirmed_booking FROM tbl_country tc 

 JOIN tbl_booking tb ON tc.country_code = 

 JOIN tbl_booking_details tbd ON tb.tbl_id = tbd.booking_id AND tbd.pay_status = 1 AND tbd.booking_cancle_status = 0

 GROUP BY tc.country_code;


SELECT tc.country_code, (SELECT COUNT(tb.tbl_id) FROM tbl_booking tb WHERE = tc.country_code) AS total_booking, COUNT(DISTINCT tbd.booking_id) AS confirmed_booking, COUNT(DISTINCT tbd.booking_id) * 100.0 / NULLIF((SELECT COUNT(tb.tbl_id) FROM tbl_booking tb WHERE = tc.country_code), 0) AS confirmed_percentage FROM tbl_country tc LEFT JOIN tbl_booking tb ON tc.country_code = LEFT JOIN tbl_booking_details tbd ON tb.tbl_id = tbd.booking_id AND tbd.pay_status = 1 AND tbd.booking_cancle_status = 0 GROUP BY tc.country_code;


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