
// Define the current date

$current_date = strtotime('02-04-2024'); // Current Unix timestamp for the example

// Define the From date and To date from Table 1

$from_date_table1 = strtotime('20-03-2024');

$to_date_table1 = strtotime('30-05-2024');

// If To date is greater than current date, set it to current date

if ($to_date_table1 > $current_date) {

    $to_date_table1 = $current_date;


// Calculate the total days between From date and adjusted To date

$total_days = floor(($to_date_table1 - $from_date_table1) / (60 * 60 * 24)) + 1; // Add 1 to include both From date and To date

// Output the total days

echo "Total days between From date and adjusted To date: " . $total_days . " days.\n";



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